
Monday, 20 February 2012

Fundraising at Farnborough!

Id like to introduce you to one of our little helpers on our stand at the Make It Show at Farnborough this weekend.

His name is Corporal Arnhem and he is one of the bears who works tirelessly to raise funds for Holidays 4 Heroes, an organisation which provides holidays and short breaks for injured servicement and their families to help them get over the trauma of their injuries or loss of a loved one

Cpl Arnhem is a paratrooper, has 13 jumps to his credit and has done tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, but his main job is travelling the world to raise awareness of his cause, and he is telling me to get off the 'pooter so he can write up his latest trip report for the bears website. This photo was taken on his trip to Rome with me and Katy last weekend.

"Arnie" and his collecting tin will be on our Make and Take table on all three days of the show, and if you enjoy your free Make and Take session with us, he will happily take any donations you may wish to give (large or small) . If you are lucky he may even assist you with the gluesticks - he loves my yellow ATG gun - but says the pink one is too girly!!

We have 3 lovely makes and takes for our visitors to do (a different one each day), so please pop along to Stand K29 to book your place. They are free of charge, but if you feel like giving Arnie a small donation afterwards, it will be gratefully received.

We are also doing a 12 x 12 scrapbook page class at 12:00 each day in Room 3. Why not come along and make a lovely spring page for your album? Details of how to book are on the Make it website under Workshops (page 2)

We look forward to meeting you during the show!!

1 comment:

  1. Has the Cpl got a face book page as Combat Mini(RAF) has and I think her and the cpl should make friends.
